Connections: Past and Present

The Yizkor Book Translation: Published!

A few years back, at a meeting of the membership of the United Zembrover Society, I volunteered to take over the job of editing the translation of Sefer Zambrow, the memorial book to the murdered community of the Jews of Zambrow. The project involved working with the translator, Dr. Jakob Berger, and making sure that the book resembled as best as possible the original Yizkor Book, published in Yiddish and Hebrew in 1963. We scanned and included the over 250 photographs from the original book. I also put out a call for additional material and photographs from current members of the association, which we incorporated into the book as well. And now, after several years of laboring out of love, it has been published.

We printed 200 books, most of which have been sold to supporters and members of the Association. In this blog, I will be featuring some of many interesting stories and anecdotes related in the book.

Here is a piece that was recently published in the Jewish week about the translation project:

The photograph accompanying the article features of meeting of the association from the early 1960s. My Zaidy’s head is seen poking out of the back, the seventh man to the left.

The book is an incredible resource for those non Yiddish or Hebrew speakers interested in the life and death (mostly the life) of this vital Jewish community in Poland. To order a copy, please contact me at

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