Tag: Zambrow

Connections: Past and Present, History and Memory

A visit to my Great Uncle

I never met my great uncle. His Hebrew name was Shmuel, his English name Sam, but everyone called him by his Yiddish name, Shmulke. My grandfather’s younger brother, he, along with my grandfather and one younger sister, left his home town of Zambrow, Poland, before the war. Those who remained, their mother, three siblings and …

Explorations: family history, Genealogy: Methods and results, History and Memory

My Great Uncle Shmulke: Mysteries Revealed and Remaining

Everyone it seems has an ancestor whose life is a mystery. Someone who lived on the margins of family, whose behavior was both excused and inexplicable. The black sheep, part of the family yet seldom spoken of. Perhaps a loner. Perhaps inflicted with a disability about which no one dared speak. These qualities describe my …

History and Memory

Zambrow During the War Years: Part 2–the Soviet Occupation

For nearly 21 months, from the end of September, 1939 until June 22, 1941, the residents of Zambrow lived under the control of the Soviet Union. In retrospect, this period was but an interlude between the initial Nazi occupation in September, 1939, until their 1941 reoccupation, during which they would destroy Zambrow’s Jewish community. Yet, …

Connections: Past and Present, Explorations: family history

The Lomza Yeshiva: Connections Past and Present

Before I began researching my family history, I had never heard of Lomza. But it turns out that I have connections to this city, connections of the past that stretch into the present, and future. Lomza is located in northeastern Poland. It played an important role in the history of Jews of Poland. Jews first …