The connection to my ancestral roots took an unexpected turn about six or seven years ago. I picked up the copy of the Jewish Week, a weekly Jewish newspaper published in New York where I live. Usually this paper has marginal interest to me, and I get through it in about five to ten minutes. …
Category: Connections: Past and Present
How exploring my past has led to connections in the present
Zambrow: real and imagined
There was, as long as I can remember, a special book on my parent’s bookcase. I knew it was special because of the reverence in which my parents held it. I rarely pulled it off the bookcase and looked at it, nor do I remember my parents ever reading it. All I knew was that …
Introduction to the blog
I am writing this blog to chronicle my experience in finding out more about my ancestors and to connect with others who are engaging in a similar search. At this point, I am focusing mostly on my mother’s family, about whom I know the most. I am calling this blog Zambrow: A Jewish Roots Journey …